The Sony Corporation, after suffering a cyber attack on its Playstation Network of 70 million users in late April, is still receiving formative threats.
A group of cyber criminals who have taken responsibility for breaking into PBS' site last week, calling themselves LulzSec, are upping the ante with the technology company.
From CNET:
The group...has been promising Sony attacks since this past weekend when it posted to its Twitter account that it is engaged in an operation it calls "Sownage," shorthand for Sony Ownage. The group stated at the time that it was working on hatching a plan that would be the "beginning of the end" for Sony. It has yet to reveal what it has planned. But yesterday the group said that the attack was already under way, seemingly without Sony's knowledge.
We at Razorpoint Security continue to take a serious interest in this story. If you feel your company needs tighter network security in defending against cyber-criminality, reach out to us.